Testimonial | How the sugar boots helped save a man’s life

I am an on call Fire Fighter/EMR and I recently purchased some mini sugars the most amazing boots ever!! I love them like a child and feel that way with all my Fluevogs.

On my way home one day yesterday I came across a horrific accident. A delivery truck drive went off a 50 foot bridge into a creek bed while going 110km/hr. I thought there was no way this man could survive, but being trained in rescue and medics I had to climb down to see if I could do anything. Once, I got to the bottom the cliff I was terrified to at what I might find in the exploded truck. The truck was still charged and leaking fuel, but I still approached. I can’t go into to much detail about the passenger, but I was able to climb to the back of the truck where the back window was broken out and assist the patient. The cab of the truck was crushed the he was trapped, it took 45 minutes for rescue to arrive.

Through out that time I was standing on an angle hanging through broken glass climbing on an unstable surface with my mini sugars, which have amazing tread. Sadly, my boots were scratched and damaged from the rescue. I also scaled the cliff with him in a basket stretcher in my boots, being one of the few people who did not slip. The paramedics and fire fighter’s have special boots for these types of rescue, but my mini sugars seemed to be the best. In the end we closed the highway, flew in the helicopter to air lift the patient out. He is going to survive but will be in the hospital for a while.

I am so sad that my mini sugars are damaged, but nothing can replace this mans life. Just wanted to thank you for making such an amazing boot with insane tread and protection, I even had to kick a window out. The only place I didn’t get cut from broken glass was where my boots cover me. All the rescue workers commented on my boots.

At the end of the day, this was an amazing experience it kept going through my head how these boots were going to hold up with all the broken glass and metal. I had concerns about getting cut, inverting my ankle, etc. My Fire Fighting boots are huge, big soles, and steel toed. Honestly, these boots allowed me to climb around and move quickly, but totally climb the embankment, with out slipping.

I don’t view my actions as heroic – I attend accidents and house fires all the time and never consider myself a hero… except for the time I saved a puppy from the burning house!! One of the best moments of my life. Handing him to his awaiting family was so cool!!

Thanks Fluevog!!

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