Ways to Vog On

Like so many of us, John is finding unique ways
to pass the time these days, here is a list of his suggestions!

Reward yourself with a local treat!

Update your Fluevog wishlist!

Movie marathon!


Get your creative juices flowing and submit an Open Source Footwear design!

Give yourself a hug.
You deserve it!

Write a letter
(or an email) to an unsuspecting friend!

Download our cool new Munster desktop wallpaper

Post a photo of your #petsandvogs on Instagram! (plants + vogs also acceptable)

Catch up on Story Time with John!

Sunbathe on the living room floor.

Spring clean

Try this 40 second Fluevog workout!

Read a book!

your hands.

Bake a cake! Yum.

Organize your phone photos. In fact, share your favo(u)rite and tag it with @Fluevog, #waystovogon!

Check out the FlueMarket and consider buying or selling a gently worn pair of Vogs!

Take a long bath. Bubbles not optional.

Listen to your favo(u)rite song on repeat. Why not?

Reach out to an old friend just to see how they’re doing.

Go for a bike ride!

Schedule a virtual lunch or coffee with a friend, family member or co-worker!

Add shoes to your Fluevog Wishlist!

By taking deep breaths. In fact,
take 5… for real…
we’ll wait.

By joining the Flummunity on Facebook — you will
be among friends sharing pictures, stories and fun!

By rediscovering our youth with these awesome kid and adult friendly colo(u)ring sheets!

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