John Fluevog Toronto Moving to 686 Queen St W on August 1st.

July 2015 – John Fluevog Shoes

John is happy to announce that after a long and historic 26-year reign, the original Fluevog Toronto store at 242 Queen St will be moving into a new space down the street at 686 Queen St on August 1st, 2015.  index_686queen_072215When John heard that a space previously used by a certain national bank was to become available on Queen St, he could think of no safer place to house some of Toronto’s most precious Fluevogs. Over the past few months, following a short venture into Angel Investments, the Fluevog team has been busy refurbishing the space at 686 Queen to give it the usual bursts of colour, hints of weird, and general unique vibes people have come to expect from a Fluevog store. The building’s former bank vault, for instance, has been transformed into the world’s first ever, gravity defying Vog Vault, a space you’ll have to see with your own eyes to believe. Part of the building’s exterior also features artwork by Toronto native and graffiti artist birdO.


On Saturday, August 1st, the last few Fluevogs will be marched from the old 242 Queen St store to the freshly renovated space at 686, and the new store will celebrate its opening with music, festivities, and limited edition colourways of the Newell boot and Dorothy heel, exclusive to 686, on the floor. Together with Fluevog at The Distillery, the 686 Queen St store will continue to serve the loyal Fluevogers of Toronto, providing them with the necessary unique soles for their unique souls.







John Fluevog is an independent designer and retailer of forward-thinking footwear and accessories. Since 1970 he has been steadfast in creating unique soles for unique souls that have been seen everywhere from the feet of Madonna and Jack White to the runways of high fashion. John Fluevog Shoes was recently named one of the world’s most innovative companies in the fashion industry by creative business experts FastCompany, and New York’s Museum of Modern Art showcased an image of Fluevog’s footwear on both a calendar and postcard. Recently, John was recognized by The Two/Ten Foundation of Canada as The Canadian Footwear Industry’s Shoe Person of the Year.


John Fluevog est un designer et détaillant avant-gardiste indépendant de chaussures et d’accessoires qui se démarquent. Depuis 1970, John crée, pour des personnes uniques, des chaussures uniques qui ont été vues partout, des pieds de Madonna et de Jack White aux défilés de haute couture. Les experts de la création de FastCompany ont récemment désigné John Fluevog Shoes comme l’une des entreprises les plus innovatrices au monde et le Musée d’art moderne de New York a présenté une photo de chaussures Fluevog dans un calendrier et sur une carte postale. John a remporté dernièrement le prestigieux prix Personnalité du domaine de la chaussure de l’année du BATA Shoe Museum.

Press-ready photos available upon request. For more information or to talk to John contact: Photos de presse disponibles. Pour plus d’informations ou pour une entrevue avec John Fluevog :


Stephen Fluevog   /   604-688-2879 x259   /

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