Friday’s Fluevogologist: Alan

Name: Alan

Store: Fluevog New York

Shoe name: Features Clift

Why is this your Spring 2014 pick?: The modified monk strap makes The Features Clift look professional, but the matte leather and extra buckle over the heel make it TOUGH!

What are your favo(u)rite spring colo(u)rs and patterns?  Bright Hawaiian shirts, Fred Perry Polos, and Black Graphic Tees are spring for me. This year, make way for The Summer of the Tanktop.

Describe your style in three words: StupidDopeFresh (all one word), More CHI!

Fill in the blanks: When I am wearing my  ______, I know I am  ______ . I feel  ______ :

When I am wearing my Clifts, I know I am strong and I feel BOSS!

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