Friday’s Fluevogologist: Dustin

Name: Dustin
Store: Chicago
All time favourite Vog: the Idol Presley boot, which reminds me… mine are in need of repair.
Favourite fairytale: the one about that deaf, dumb and blind kid who could sure play some mean pinball…
Favourite word: I don’t have a singular favourite, although I do prefer the Canadian spelling of “favourite”. There are plenty of non-favourite words. I especially dislike “vacuum”.
Favourite quote: “If a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.”, the prison chaplain in Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange
Personal goal: To accomplish everything that I intended to in my 20s, only in my 30s. I currently sing in two bands, have a couple of DJ nights, routinely paint and draw, date a gorgeous little woman, get my laundry done, have a horribly messy bedroom, watch too much tv, eat meat in excess, enjoy a drink or three, make the world laugh with me, and drop mad rhymes off tha dome. Still up: box a kangaroo(and win), see the Pittsburgh Steelers win several more Superbowls, become famous, buy the world a sandwich, get my driver’s license, and prove everyone wrong. All by the age of 40.

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