10 Years of Free Shoes: Catching up with Renae

Renae is a Vog-lovin’ associate professor at Mount Royal University and was the very lucky winner of our 10 Years of Free Shoes contest back in 2015! We recently caught up with her to see how she’s been doing since her glorious Fluevogian windfall.

What have you been up to since winning the contest?

I received the news that I was the 2015 winner of 10 Years of Free Shoes while in a meeting at work. My work colleagues who were at the meeting (all of whom are fellow Fluevog owners and lovers) were very envious. For my first pair of free shoes, I chose the purple Adriana Lunas. I then took them with me to Europe, where I spent my sabbatical as a Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Leipzig in Germany. I even kissed the Blarney stone while wearing my Lunas. It was a wonderful year that ended too quickly and we returned home to Calgary in July 2016. It was then that I picked up my second year’s shoes: The Berry and Dots Prepare Finds. I took these home to the Navajo Nation, where I wore them in front of a famous trader of tapestries, Two Grey Hills. I also took them to Canyon De Chelly!

Which Fluevogs have you gotten since winning the contest?

Aside from The Luna and Finds, I’ve also added The Opposition, Luxon, Tinder, and Alison to my collection, with many more pairs on my wishlist.

What are your favourite pair so far?

My favourite are The Lunas, as I love boots. I don’t know how anyone can truly pick a favourite, though! When it’s sunny out, my favourite pair is my most recent purchase: The Alison, sexy skull buckled MJs.

Kissing Blarney Stone

Best compliment you’ve ever received?

One of my cousins told me: “Your boots are hella cool!”. I always get fun compliments. I will be sure to remember more of them!

This year’s 10 Years of Free Shoes contest ends on May 14th, 2017. Visit us in stores or order online to get your entry in before it’s too late!

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