“that inescapable knowledge, in the bone” at The Underground Gallery in Calgary

The Underground Gallery at Fluevog Calgary is excited to present its latest exhibition featuring paintings by local artist Samantha Charette. Titled “that inescapable knowledge, in the bone”, Samantha’s exhibition includes work created between 2021 and 2023 and will be on display at The Underground Gallery from early November to late January.

Exhibition: November 6th, 2023 – January 26th, 2024
Reception: Saturday, December 9th from 4pm–7pm
Fluevog Calgary | 207 8th Avenue SW

About Samantha Charette
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Samantha Charette (she/her) is a Calgary-based visual artist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Alberta and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Calgary. Charette is a member of the artist collective, The Fem Assembly, and a visual art instructor at the University of Calgary and Alberta University of the Arts.

About “that inescapable knowledge, in the bone”

“The artwork in this exhibition embodies an investigation into the intergenerational exchange of knowledge using the lens of intersectional feminist literature and the medium and history of painting. 

Sourcing from lived and familial stories and knowledge, this work is both deeply personal and in tuned with a broader societal reflection on the weight of the knowledge that is intentionally and unintentionally passed between generations. 

The medium and history of painting is used in a variety of ways throughout this exhibition. Some of the paintings combine artistic and gendered labour to bring the undervalued and invisible, typically female, domestic labour into the typically male dominated status, medium and history of painting. Other paintings use the history of early Canadian painting as an archive to deconstruct and reconstruct personal and familial relationships and histories through contemporary painting that embodies emotions as a source of knowledge. The newer paintings explore a personification of intergenerational trauma through the depiction of a shadowy monster that lurks in intimate and vulnerable spaces. 

Through this artwork, my aim is to contribute my emotional, intellectual, and artistic labour to taking care of feminism’s archives. These paintings embody the acts of investigation and care. They are created within the context of contemporary feminist painting discourse and practices.”

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