Streetvogs in Calgary

We’re headed back up north for a new chapter of Streetvogs in the great city of Calgary! Local photographer Funeh, aka. @calgarystreets has taken over our @Streetvogs and @Fluevog accounts and will be giving us daily looks at the city in both colour and black and white. Follow along so you don’t miss a thing!

Here’s a bit about Funeh in his own words:

In Lagos, where I grew up, daily ‘action’ is a guarantee on the streets. The abrupt lull in the volume of action in Calgary was, to me, like turning down the noise. It didn’t take long before I could hear music in the daily lives of Calgarians – visual music that is. Only then, did I get into street photography. I have now become this city’s adopted son, having lived here for the greater part of my adult life.

Experiencing Calgary through my viewfinder gives me a special connection to the city. I soak up more of the essence of a place, its people and the culture, when I take pictures of its streets than I do when I just walk through. All my street photos are candid. If required, I’ll ask for permission, but only after the photo is on my memory card.

The moment I clock out of my engineering job, I transform into an artist. I love the unpredictability of street photography; it allows for freedom, creativity and imagination. People fascinate me! My interest in people drives me to grab my camera, allowing me to interact with those I wouldn’t otherwise meet.

I invite you to join me on this journey, as I capture a glimpse of the people that make Calgary beautiful.


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