Fluevog Post Interview: Michelle in Montréal Vieux-Port

[An edited version of this interview first appeared in Issue 20 of The Fluevog Post (Spring/Summer 2023)]

Michelle Lynn Riglin, Fluevog Montréal Vieux-Port Manager
Years with Fluevog: 4.5

Where are you from?
A very small town in Saskatchewan. (I’ll always be a prairie girl at heart, y’all.)

What were your first pair of Fluevogs?
A pair of black Cascades. I still have them!

What are currently some of your favourite styles?
I live in my silver Ettas – people yell at me in the street to tell me how beautiful they are. I might even buy a second pair. I’m having the most fun making outfits with my Smartys lately.

Describe Montréal in a nutshell:
It’s modern and terribly chic, but there’s 300 year old dirt in all the corners. An exciting and vibrant city, but with a very laid-back vibe.

Montréal favourites (food, entertainment, shopping, etc.):
Vintage shopping at The Little Shop, pints on the terrace of Chez Baptiste, BBQ at Le Boucan Smokehouse, and grocery shopping at Jean Talon Market.

Something that would surprise people about Montréal:
Poutine is not our only famous food. Pizzaghetti is also a thing here. A shameful, wonderful thing.

Something that would surprise people about you:
I am so clumsy that I had to forever swear off bicycles. I figure if I can’t walk on my own two feet without hurting myself, I shouldn’t be riding around on two skinny tires. Plus, I almost went under a bus in Dublin the last time I was on a bike. Never again.

Strangest pronunciation of Fluevog you’ve heard?

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