A Letter from John ❤

Let’s be thankful has always been part of the Fluevog culture. With all the negative news and changing personal patterns, I can sometimes slip into the trap of negative thinking and fear, and that is just plain not good!

Please join me in offering up all the things that we can be thankful for. For me, I’d first like to say thank you to all the Fluevog employees who are banding together to act in a manner of what’s best for all. I am so thankful to be a part of this family. Then, to our greater Fluevog family (that’s YOU – and yes, you’re family too), thank you for your support and the care you have for each other. It’s always humbling and inspiring to watch. A big thank you as well to our factories who have all been stellar through this and always.

I see signs of love emerging through fear. I see and hear of love pouring out and of those giving encouragement to others in this time of uncertainty.

Let’s reject the fear and join the movement of care and love. Let’s make love conquer all fear.

Let’s encourage each other to show random acts of kindness to strangers and our loved ones as well.

Let’s be thankful.

Peace and thankfulness on us all.

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