50 Facts with John Fluevog

To celebrate his 50th Anniversary in shoe-business, John agreed to answer 50 completely random questions for us and did so with his usual candor. Without further ado, here are 50 things you may or may not have known about John Fluevog…

Name: John Fluevog
Age: Shhh!
Hometown: Vancouver
Status: Happily married
Children: Three lovely ones
Shoe size: Men’s 10.5
Birthday: Fluevog Day (May 15th!)
Preferred mode of transportation: Bike
First words: Ding a boom! (It was a pedal car I had)
First love: Her name was Sandra
First car: 1953 MG T-type
First business partner: Peter Fox
First store: Fox & Fluevog in Gastown, Vancouver
First shoe design: The Pilgrim
First ‘Aha! ’ moment: Realizing I wasn’t just a retailer; I could also design my own shoes!
First dance club shoe: The Munsters
Hidden talent: Poor trumpet player
Death row meal: Fried halloumi cheese and sautéed spinach
Best friend: Ruth Fluevog
Worst habit: Complaining
Favourite non-Fluevog shoe: HA..not going to catch me on that one!
Guilty pleasure: Ice cream
Favourite Netflix series: Lilyhammer
Favourite movie: Babette’s Feast
Favourite album: Songs in the key of life by Stevie Wonder
Favourite child: Nice try
Favourite vacation spot: I don’t like vacations
Favourite hobby: Fixing broken things
Favourite city: Vancouver & New York
Favourite colour: Powder blue
Favourite animal: Lion. They are so chill but when they have to get the job done, they do it.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Morning or Night? Morning
Cold weather or hot weather? Medium weather
Sweet or savoury? Sweet, but I try with great will power not to eat too much of it!
Breakfast or d inner? Breakfast
Silk or velvet? Velvet
Average bedtime: 11:30pm
Best concert you’ve been to: Prince in a small venue in NYC
Worst mistake you’ve ever made: Not being myself
Best joke you’ve ever told: Doesn’t exist. I am so not good at jokes.
Best fan interaction: When people tell me that my shoes have changed their lives
Most vivid dream: Hmm…can’t reveal that
Childhood d ream job: Farmer
Do you believe in aliens? No
Are you an alien? Yes
Describe your perfect day? A day where I am walking in the spirit all day
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world (dead or alive), who would it be? Jesus
If you were a superhero, what would your power be? I’m not sure it’s a superhero power but I would like to show people how wonderfully they have been made.
What object would you save in a fire? Let it all burn baby! I only want my memories and my hope.

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