Fragments of Time at the Peanut Gallery

Fluevog Calgary‘s latest Peanut Gallery exhibit is a unique and intimate look into the Canadian Prairies, shot and curated by Calgary-based photographer Marquess Kilian Beck.

Fragments of Time: Relics of the Canadian Prairies is an exploration of time and the elements on the remaining wooden grain elevators in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and is part of a larger project documenting these structures as seasons pass and they fade and fall back into the land. These elevators are indicative of changing times and changing ways of life. Where once stood villages and families once raised children, now only the elevators stand (those that are left, anyway), built of stronger materials and in a way that allows them to hold against the flow of time for a bit longer. They have seen wind and rain and fire and flood and have the scars to show for all of this. The elevators are the feature, however what is really being shown is time, the weather and the changing moods of the Prairies, and the impact this has on the people who call these places home.

The 15 images on display at The Peanut Gallery are accompanied by 3 poems written by the artist’s father, SMS Beck, a poet who lives in Norman, Oklahoma. These poems were written specifically for the exhibition, and bring together tales of the hardships faced by the people who homesteaded around the elevators throughout the Prairies in both Canada and the United States. 

The show will be exhibiting at The Peanut Gallery until July 29, 2018.

Fluevog Calgary
207 8 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB

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